I spent about one week in Bavaria (near Munich) over Christmas. It was my first time in this region.
Bavaria by then had come into an outdoor mask mandate (must wear masks outside), a curfew from 9pm until 6am and shops only doing ‘click and collect’. The restaurants that are open are doing take-away. That is also in addition to other restrictions that has been going on in this region and in Germany. As a side note, the restrictions in place will depend on which Bundesland you live in, for example, the city-state of Berlin has different restrictions to Bavaria. However, overall by December, most of it seems uniform.
Train ride from Berlin to Munich – what is it like?
The booking for the train was fairly unremarkable. The seats were completely social distanced and very little bookings going on.
The train departed from Berlin Hauptbahnof. You can buy food and water, and you probably should since the dining cart availability is pretty minimal. They didn’t serve hot water, so no coffee or tea. A basic sandwich was on offer, so I had a chicken sandwhich. And a Twix, since I needed sugar in me.
Arriving in Munich Hauptbahnof, you can get your top up of fresh coffee.
Photos around the village
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