This is a follow up post to all my previous posts doing a marathon via Lingoda. You can read the previous posts below.
Just a note that I did both the French AND the German full marathon at the same time.
Previous post nearing the end of my marathon!
Progress so far in the middle of the marathon…
Starting the first month of the Marathon…
Did I get a refund?
Yes! I did in fact get a refund for the German because I fulfilled all of the conditions. Therefore I will be getting about 807 euros back!
Did I get two refunds for doing two languages?
Actually, this question I will never be able to answer because I didn’t meet the conditions to succeed the French part of the marathon due to a few reasons! One of those reasons was that I booked two classes on the final day – thinking that it should be ‘fine’ but I should have waited until the day after. The other reason was that a teacher was not found for one of my classes, I did not get a notice about it until it was too late and, thinking that I forgot to book for that day, I booked another class. I then decided to cancel said class when I saw email.
Anyway, rules are there for you to read – highly recommended that you check the rules very carefully and check your emails.
Am I still using Lingoda?
Well, yes and no. The yes part is that I decided to re-subscribe after a two week break but on a ‘lighter’ plan.
The no part is that I decided to look for a local language school to take up most of what I am learning – largely because I wanted something a lot more intensive with a set schedule of 3 hours per day in one block, 3-4 days per week.
How did I move from learning A1.1 to learning B1.1 since January?
First of all, I didn’t meet the lessons to reach the CEFR certificate requirement because collecting CEFR certification is not my goal. I did some A1.1 units, some A1.2 units etc and now I’m doing A2.2 units. My goal is to challenge myself just enough that it does not feel like I am reviewing a concept (unless, I want to review) while not feeling like concepts are out of reach.
And, to be fair, I decided to do a placement test for a language school. I placed at B1.1 level to start with for my courses. I also did sign up to go to a language course (not Lingoda) for A2.2 but found it more of a refresher and decided to leave the course.
CEFR certification (or TECL or something else) may be my goal when I am learning B2/C1 level.
Discount code for new users…
Feel free to use this code FYUVJH for 50 euros off the first month!*
*Don’t worry this is not a sponsored post…and to be transparent, I get free classes in return also.
If you enjoyed this series, or found it helpful please let me know (or even better… use the discount code if you like the sound of Lingoda) and for my next post I will do a comparison with intensive course and how it fares.
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