Below is a reading list of interesting books aimed at those inclined to live overseas. They are available on Kindle, PDF, ebook, print formats. Unfortunately, I don’t provide the links for these (otherwise, it will just be free promotion) but feel free to take a look and hunt these down!
Currently reading: Creating Freedom – Power, Control and the Fight For Our Future
I picked this up in Oxfam in Notting Hill. The book is pretty much new and only for a few quid.
I’m really interested in reading more on topics around freedom (or what we think freedom is), choice, logic, reason. It’s the reason why I am now finishing off this book called Descartes’ Error by Antonio Damasio.
Third Culture Kids – Growing Up Among Worlds
In London, I had flatmates that the book would consider ‘third culture’. I’m not one, but I really wanted to gain an insight into this particular group.
Expat Women Confessions – 50 Answers To Your Real-Life Questions About Living Abroad
I bought this book when I left London to go back to Australia after living there for two years. I was pretty upset at the time since I wanted to continue travelling but couldn’t and made the decision to go back to gradschool. It ended up being a good decision.
I remember finishing this on the plane and on the final leg of the journey, got changed from my comfortable UK clothes into comfortable Australian-weather friendly clothes. I still remember the old couple sitting next to me in the plane if I have done this before.
Your Career Game – How Game Theory Can Help You Achieve Your Professional Goals
After deciding to go back to Australia, I was really immersing myself in a lot of career-oriented books. Partly due to guidance, but also a lot of the time it was for motivation. During the time I must have read about five different books. This book takes on an interview format, interviewing corporate executives. Some of the assignments that they have taken on involved overseas stints. I wanted to gain some sort of insight as to what my life would be like if I went down this road and what I can do to mirror lessons learnt from their overseas stints.
The Global Expatriate’s Guide to Investing: From Millionaire Teacher to Millionaire Expat
While preparing to go overseas again while back in gradschool, I was also studying a financial certification (Claritas Investment Certificate) and was also studying CFA Level 1. I wanted to seek out personal finance books written from an expat perspective and this was one of them.
I have a number of other (printed) books that I want to share but I don’t have the titles with me right now since my library is at home in Australia. But will post a follow up entry once I can!